We cannot thank the front-line health workers enough, doctors, nurses, admin staff and volunteers. In these times of uncertainty we are equally grateful to all essential responders, from personal support workers to meat processing & funeral service employees. You are sacrificing your time, your energy, your safety and your lives for those of us who…
5 Tips For Employees Who Are Able to Work Remotely During Covid-19
2020-04-21T19:56:45-04:00 COVID-19In the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, many businesses are implementing voluntary or mandatory work-from-home policies. That means a lot of people are dealing with the challenge of working from home for the first time, full-time, by yourself or with kids. These tips will help you make the adjustment and maintain your mental well-being….
Helpful links to external resources: Government of Canada Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Outbreak Updates Ontario COVID-19 self-assessment World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Advice Flatten.org is a community-based surveillance system to track COVID19 Apply for Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) with CRA Managing cash flow during a period of crisis via Deloitte City of…